Scale your PM business & improve client experience

with our high-touch, high-integrity trust accounting solution.

Full-Service Trust Accounting

What are the trust accounting tasks, escalations, tangles, or even nightmares that steal your time and keep you up at night simply because you don’t have a trust accounting solution you can 100% trust to keep you compliant and deliver an outstanding experience to your clients?
The ProfitCoach Full-Service Trust Accounting solution is designed to:
  1. Help you stay compliant and protect you from audit risk
  2. Prevent accounting mistakes and improve client experience
  3. Repurpose owner/manager time toward building a highly-profitable self-managing company
How do we do it? We’ve cultivated a team of accountants who are excellent communicators and problem-solvers. Combine that with a focus on process efficiency and automation, and we’re able to deliver a world-class self-managing accounting solution at an affordable price.

Services include:

  1. Bank Reconciliations
  2. Entering & Paying Bills
  3. Tenant Move-In & Move-Out Accounting
  4. Processing Management Fees & Owner Disbursements
  5. Owner & Tenant Statements
  6. Recording Rent Receipts & Bank Deposits
  7. Financial Diagnostics
  8. Vendor and Owner 1099’s
  9. Ad hoc accounting changes/requests

ProfitCoach Trust Accounting Process

  1. “Offboarding” of accounting functions to ProfitCoach
  2. Processes are defined, improved & documented
  3. Communication rhythm to ensure bases are covered
  4. Monthly accounting cycle on auto-pilot…for you!

Starting at $6/unit per month ($2,000/mo minimum)